Friday, May 11, 2012

Synop Bulletin

SYNOP (surface synoptic observations) is a numerical code used for reporting weather observations made by manned and automated weather stations.

It isn't a Aeronautical Bulletin but is a Statistic Bulletin.
SYNOP reports are typically sent every six hours.
This Bulletin contain information about visibility, ceiling, clouds and pressure and AWOS systems are able to compile automatically.   

Synop Format:
This is the general structure of a SYNOP message. Numbers shown here are fixed (group indicators), numbers replacing the x's contain the weather data plus information about the station's position (and speed and direction where applicable).
xxxxx xxxxx 99xxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 00xxx 1xxxx 2xxxx 3xxxx 4xxxx 5xxxx
6xxxx 7xxxx 8xxxx 9xxxx 222xx 0xxxx 1xxxx 2xxxx 3xxxx 4xxxx 5xxxx 6xxxx
70xxx 8xxxx
  333 0xxxx 1xxxx 2xxxx 3xxxx 4xxxx 5xxxx xxxxx 6xxxx 7xxxx 8xxxx 9xxxx



How read:
13064YYGGIwday 13 at 06 UTC
Wind is observed by anemometer (Iw=4)
16194IIiiiOn the Italian, Greek or Maltese station  (16) number 194
41660IrIxhVVThere are no data about precipitation because reading is not executed  (Ir=4)
The station is manned by staff (not automatic) in the first section contains data about the present and past (Ix = 1)
The base of low clouds is between 1000 and 1500 meters ( h=6 )
Minimum Visibility is 10 Km ( VV=60 )
80502NddffSky coverage is 8/8 ( N=8 )
Wind direction = 50°           Wind speed = 2 KN (ddff = 0502 )
102351SnTTTAir Temperature = +23,5°C  
201402SnTdTdTdDew Point = +14,0°C
3PoPoPoPoAtmospheric Pressure = N.A.
400864PPPPQNH = 1008,6 hPa
570075apppThe barometric trend is decreased and the pressure change in thelast three hours was 0.7 hPa
6RRRtrPrecipitation = N.A
780827wwW1W2Weather Condition : light rain ( -RA)
and in the last three hours occurredshowers (2= Not Significant Data )
8693/8NhClCmChCloud Coverage : consists of 6/8 of low clouds type ofcumulonimbus anvil with presence of high and undetectable altocumulus clouds
333Section number 3
202012SnTnTnTnMinimum Temperature was 20,1°C
320203ESnTgTgGround Status = wet
829308NsChshsOther Clouds CB with coverage equal to 2/8
856358NsChshsOther Clouds : SC  with coverage equal to  6/8

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