Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Radar PSR,SSR,COM and Weather Radar

Radar ( RAdio Detection And Ranging) is an object-detection system which uses radio waves to determine the range, altitude, direction, or speed of objects. It can be used to detect aircraft, ships, spacecraft,guided missilesmotor vehiclesweather formations, and terrain. The radar dish or antenna transmits pulses of radio waves or microwaves which bounce off any object in their path. The object returns a tiny part of the wave's energy to a dish or antenna which is usually located at the same site as the transmitter. Radar is used on airport as aircraft anticollision systems and flight control system.
There are three type of radar used for flight control:

  • PSR (Primary Surveillance Radar)
  • SSR (Secondary Surveillance Radar)
  • COM (PSR and SSR)

Primary Radar

Electromagnetic waves reflect (scatter) from any large change in the dielectric constant ordiamagnetic constants. This means that a solid object in air or a vacuum, or other significant change in atomic density between the object and what is surrounding it, will usually scatter radar (radio) waves.
PSR recieve the following data:
  • Aircraft range
  • Aircraft Azimuth
The average coverage of PSR is 100 nautical miles .

Secondary Radar

Secondary surveillance radar (SSR) is a radar system used in air traffic control (ATC), that not only detects and measures the position of aircraft i.e. range and bearing, but also requests additional information from the aircraft itself such as its identity and altitude. Unlike primary radar systems that measure only the range and bearing of targets by detecting reflected radio signals, SSR relies on targets equipped with a radar transponder, that replies to each interrogation signal by transmitting a response containing encoded data. SSR is based on the military identification friend or foe (IFF) technology.

The average coverage of PSR is 220 nautical miles .

Radar COM

This include Radar PSR and SRS.

Weather Radar

Weather radar, also called weather surveillance radar (WSR) and Doppler weather radar, is a type of radar used to locate precipitation, calculate its motion, and estimate its type (rainsnowhail, etc.). Modern weather radars are mostly pulse-Doppler radars, capable of detecting the motion of rain droplets in addition to the intensity of the precipitation. Both types of data can be analyzed to determine the structure of storms and their potential to cause severe weather.
Weather radars send directional pulses of microwave radiation, on the order of a microsecond long, using a cavity magnetron or klystron tube connected by a waveguide to a parabolic antenna. The wavelengths of 1 to 10 cm (4 in) are approximately ten times the diameter of the droplets or ice particles of interest, because Rayleigh scattering occurs at these frequencies.
Between each pulse, the radar station serves as a receiver and listens for return signals from particles in the air. The duration of the "listen" cycle is on the order of a millisecond, which is a thousand times longer than the pulse duration. The length of this phase is determined by the need for the microwave radiation (which travels at the speed of light) to propagate from the detector, to the weather target, and back again, a distance which could be several hundred kilometers. The horizontal distance from station to target is calculated simply from the amount of time that lapses from the initiation of the pulse to the detection of the return signal. (The time is converted into distance by multiplying by the speed of light in air) :
Distance = c\ \frac {\Delta t}{2n} (c = speed of light = 299,792.458 km/s, n = refractive index of air ~= 1.0003).

The most frequent use of the radar is located at airports to supportthe air traffic control and safety as well as in meteorological research for studying  violent weather phenomena, or in territorial management in the prevention of extreme weather events such as floods, or to monitor the trend of events such as tornadoes or hurricanes.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Filed Flight Plan

Flight plans are documents filed by pilots or a Flight Dispatcher with the local Civil Aviation Authority (e.g. FAA in the USA and EUROCONTROL in the UE) prior to departure. Flight plan format is specified in the ICAO Doc 4444.

The filed 7 is AIRCRAFT IDENTIFICATION that can be :

  • Call Sign 
  • The ICAO code of company ( e.g. AZA = Alitalia ) and the number of fliglt

The field 8 is FLIGHT RULES and TYPE OF FLIGHT that contain as follow:
    • <'I'>              if is a IFR flight
    • <'V'>             if is a VFR flight
    • <'Y'>             if the flight start in IFR  and terminates in VFR
    • <'Z'>             if the flight start in VFR  and terminates in IFR 

    • <'S'>             scheduled Flight
    • <'N'>             unscheduled flight
    • <'G'>             General Aviation
    • <'M'>             military 
    • <'X'>             other
The filed 9 is Number and it is composed by:

Here you enter the number of aircraft if more than 1 (in case of flighttraining)
Type of aircraft (2 to 4 characters)
Here you enter the ICAO code of the aircraft will be using, such asthe B738 Boeing 737-800, B463 for the British Aerospace BAe-146-300 EUFI for the Eurofighter, etc..

You can find all codes about aircraft here

Wake Turbulence Category (only one character)

  • The letter L for "light" that indicates aircraft with a maximum take off weight (MTOWup to 7,000 kg (15,500 lbs)
  • The letter M for "Medium" indicates that aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight (MTOWexceeding 7,000 kg up to 136,000 kg(300,000 lbs)
  • The letter H for "Heavy" indicates that aircraft with a maximum takeoff weight (MTOW) of more than 136,000 kg

 The filed 10 is EQUIPMENT :

In the first part of this box should be added the letters correspondingto the aircraft's communications, navigation and aids for approachon board and working.
  • The letter N if not present any apparatus or equipment present are unusable
  • The letter S for equipment COM / NAV Standard (VHF RTF, ADF,VOR and ILS)
  • The letter D for DME (Distance Measuring Equipment)

Other abbreviations that can be used are :

  • C             LORAN C (Long Range Air Navigation system “B”)
  • F             ADF (Già incluso in S)
  • G             GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System)
  • H             HF RTF (High Frequency Radiotelephone)
  • I             INS (Inertial navigation)
  • J             Data link (in Item 18 specify equipment by DAT/ and one or more letters)
  • K               MLS (Microwave Landing System)
  • L             ILS 
  • M            Omega
  • O            VOR 
  • R            RNP (Area Navigation)
  • T            TACAN (UHF Tactical Air Navigation Aid)
  • U            UHF RTF (Ultra-High Frequency Radiotelephone)
  • V              VHF RTF (Very-High Frequency Radiotelephone) 
  • W             RVSM (Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum)
  • X            MNPS (Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications)
  • Y            8.33 kHz (channel spacing radio equipment)

The filed 13 i Departure Aerodrome

In this filed you see the Aerodrome's ICAO CODE such as:
  • LIRF = Rome Fiumicino Airport
  • LIML = Milan Linate Airport
  • KMIA =  Miami International Airport
The filed 15 is composed by :
  • Cruising speed
  • Level
  • Route
Cruising Speed:

In this filed you can find the cruising speed to maintain during the flight with  a letter that is the unit that can be :
  • K = Km/h
  • N = Knots
  • M = Mach

It's the flight altitude.


It's composed by the SID (Standard Instrument Departure), Transition segment to enroute, Airway and  all change that aircraft will make.

The filed 16 is composed by:
  • Destination aerodrome (airport icao code )
  • Total EET   (Estimated Elapsed Time) ; it's composed by hours and minute ( example 0230 = 2 hours and 30 minutes)
  • Altn aerodrome ( Alternative aerodrome ) ; it's composed by the icao code of Alternative airport 
The filed 16 is Other information :

In this filed you can find all information that could be useful for the air traffic control services as follow:

    • DOF/
    • EET/ 
    • OPR/ 
    • RALT/ 
    • REG/ 
    • SEL/ 
    • STS/
    The last filed is Other Information

    In this filed you can see as follow:
    • Endurance ( HHMM for example 0320)
    • Person on board
    • Pilot in command (Name and Surname)
    • Aircraft color and markings (MTL)

    Hope that this post has been of interest to you.
    Let me know how you think about.

    Tuesday, May 15, 2012

    Rome Fiumicino Airport

    Source :  http://euro.wx.propilots.net/

    METAR LIRF 151820Z 25006KT CAVOK 16/10 Q1011 NOSIG

    General Info
    41° 48' 16.11" N
    012° 15' 02.87" E
    Elevation15 feet
    5 meters
    Magnetic Variation001° E (01/06)
    Near CityRome
    Operating Hours24 HOUR OPERATIONS
    International Clearance StatusAirport of Entry
    Daylight Saving TimeLast Sunday in March to last Sunday in October

    FIUME TWR118.7
    (127.625 avbl 0600-2200Z++ for Rwy 16L/34R or 16C/34C)
    (ATC and start up clnc on 121.8 0600-2200Z++, 121.9 H24)
    (Push back and taxi clnc on 122.125 0600-2200Z++, 121.9 H24)
    FIUME RAMP121.725
    (ARR 114.9)(DEP 121.85)
    Opr 0700-1900Z++

    (Click for details.)
    07/2510856 x 148 feet
    3309 x 45 meters
    16R/34L12795 x 197 feet
    3900 x 60 meters
    16L/34R12795 x 197 feet
    3900 x 60 meters

    TypeIDNameChannelFreqDistance From FieldBearing From Navaid
    VOR-DMEOSTOSTIA096X114.9At Field-
    NDBOSTOSTIA-321At Field-

    FuelJet A1+, Jet A1 with icing inhibitor.

    CAUTIONLo level wind shear possible. Multi cranes S of arpt btn Rwy 16L and 16R to 172'.
    LGTPAPI Rwy 25 MEHT 75'.
    MISCRwy 16L/34R prim for ldg - must rpt rwy vacated; Rwy 25 prim for tkof; other rwyuse by ATC discretion. Rwy 16C/34C identified and used as Twy D. Rwy 16C/34C may be used as a rwy nml activated by NOTAM at least 48 hr PN. Rwy 16L/34R willthen be clsd.

    Older Radio Communicaton System

    Sunday, May 13, 2012


    Automatic Terminal Information Service, or ATIS, is a continuous broadcast of recorded noncontrol information in busier terminal areas. ATIS broadcasts contain essential information, such as weather information, which runways are active, available approaches, and any other information required by the pilots, such as important NOTAMs. Pilots usually listen to an available ATIS broadcast before contacting the local control unit, in order to reduce the controllers' workload and relieve frequency congestion.

    The recording is updated in fixed intervals or when there is a significant change in the information, like a change in the active runway. It is given a letter designation (example bravo), from the ICAO spelling alphabet. The letter progresses down the alphabet with every update and starts at Alpha after a break in service of 12 hours or more. When contacting the local control unit, a pilot will indicate he/she has "information" and the ATIS identification letter to let the controller know that the pilot is up to date with all current information.

    ATIS can receiver the information from AWOS or directly from sensors.
    It is classified as ATM system ( Air Traffic Management )   

    Saturday, May 12, 2012

    Syrep Bulletin

    Syrep is a message typically emitted each morning for the daily summaries of the data recorded by a weather station during the previous day.
    Syrep contain data about wind, precipitations, temperature, relative humidity and sunshine, and the AWOS systems can be compile automatically

    Friday, May 11, 2012

    Synop Bulletin

    SYNOP (surface synoptic observations) is a numerical code used for reporting weather observations made by manned and automated weather stations.

    It isn't a Aeronautical Bulletin but is a Statistic Bulletin.
    SYNOP reports are typically sent every six hours.
    This Bulletin contain information about visibility, ceiling, clouds and pressure and AWOS systems are able to compile automatically.   

    Synop Format:
    This is the general structure of a SYNOP message. Numbers shown here are fixed (group indicators), numbers replacing the x's contain the weather data plus information about the station's position (and speed and direction where applicable).
    xxxxx xxxxx 99xxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 00xxx 1xxxx 2xxxx 3xxxx 4xxxx 5xxxx
    6xxxx 7xxxx 8xxxx 9xxxx 222xx 0xxxx 1xxxx 2xxxx 3xxxx 4xxxx 5xxxx 6xxxx
    70xxx 8xxxx
      333 0xxxx 1xxxx 2xxxx 3xxxx 4xxxx 5xxxx xxxxx 6xxxx 7xxxx 8xxxx 9xxxx



    How read:
    AAXXMiMiMjMjSYNOP Bulletin
    13064YYGGIwday 13 at 06 UTC
    Wind is observed by anemometer (Iw=4)
    16194IIiiiOn the Italian, Greek or Maltese station  (16) number 194
    41660IrIxhVVThere are no data about precipitation because reading is not executed  (Ir=4)
    The station is manned by staff (not automatic) in the first section contains data about the present and past (Ix = 1)
    The base of low clouds is between 1000 and 1500 meters ( h=6 )
    Minimum Visibility is 10 Km ( VV=60 )
    80502NddffSky coverage is 8/8 ( N=8 )
    Wind direction = 50°           Wind speed = 2 KN (ddff = 0502 )
    102351SnTTTAir Temperature = +23,5°C  
    201402SnTdTdTdDew Point = +14,0°C
    3PoPoPoPoAtmospheric Pressure = N.A.
    400864PPPPQNH = 1008,6 hPa
    570075apppThe barometric trend is decreased and the pressure change in thelast three hours was 0.7 hPa
    6RRRtrPrecipitation = N.A
    780827wwW1W2Weather Condition : light rain ( -RA)
    and in the last three hours occurredshowers (2= Not Significant Data )
    8693/8NhClCmChCloud Coverage : consists of 6/8 of low clouds type ofcumulonimbus anvil with presence of high and undetectable altocumulus clouds
    333Section number 3
    202012SnTnTnTnMinimum Temperature was 20,1°C
    320203ESnTgTgGround Status = wet
    829308NsChshsOther Clouds CB with coverage equal to 2/8
    856358NsChshsOther Clouds : SC  with coverage equal to  6/8

    Met Report Bulletin

    Met Report is a format for reporting weather information that contain all data related to the runway in use and it can be sent every hour or every 30 minutes. If there are weather change between the bulletins, AMO employees must send another bulletin called SPECIAL. This bulletins are sent from AWOS to ATIS io order to send, by radio communication, to pilots and communicate the weather condition in approach and in clam-bout.    
    A typical Met Report contain the following data:
    • Type of Bulletin
    • ICAO airport code 
    • Date e Time (indicates the time of the observation, day of the month followed by the Zulu time of day)
    • RUNWAY in use ( for landing and take off )
    • Wind direction and Speed  ( wind direction is indicated by degrees, wind speed is indicated by knots -KT- or meter per second -MPS- )
    • Prevailing Visibility 
    • Runway Visual Range ( this data is posted if the prevailing visibility is under 1500 meters or if the visibility of one or all RVR sensors give a visibility under 1500 meters )   
    • Present Weather ( the following table don't have all PW but only the most common )
    • Sky coverage
    • Temperature and Dew Point
    • Pressure
    • Auxiliary information
    From Amend. 75 annex 3 ICAO on Met Report must be sent ALL data sensors for runway in use
    Present Weather Code

    PW CodeEnglish NameItalian Name
    SGSnow grainsNeve granulosa
    ICDiamond dustCristalli di ghiaccio
    PLIce PelletsPioggia gelata (granuli di ghiaccio)
    GSSmall hail and/or Snow GrainsGrandine piccola (meno di 5mm) e/o Granuli di Neve
    VAVolcanic ashCenere vulcanica
    DUWidespead dustPolvere (su un'area estesa)
    POWell-Developed Dust/Sand WhirlsMulinelli di polvere e sabbia
    FCFunnel cloudTornado o tromba marina
    SSSand stormTempesta di sabbia
    DSDust stormTempesta di polvere                

    Metar Bulletin

    Metar is a format for reporting weather information about the airport and it can be sent every hour or every 30 minutes. If there are weather change between the bulletins, AMO employees must send another bulletin called SPECI. This bulletin is sent to international network and everyone can see the last Metar on web such as this.    


    Rome Fiumicino Airport
    METAR LIRF 111850Z 26005KT CAVOK 20/15 Q1022 NOSIG RMK VIS MIN 9999=

    A typical Metar contain the following data:
    • Type of Bulletin
    • ICAO airport code 
    • Date e Time (indicates the time of the observation, day of the month followed by the Zulu time of day)
    • Wind direction and Speed  ( wind direction is indicated by degrees, wind speed is indicated by knots -KT- or meter per second -MPS- )
    • Prevailing Visibility 
    • Runway Visual Range ( this data is posted if the prevailing visibility is under 1500 meters or if the visibility of one or all RVR sensors give a visibility under 1500 meters )   
    • Present Weather ( the following table don't have all PW but only the most common, In addition you can find the VC = vicinity. For example you can find the VCTS = Vicinity thunderstorm )
    • Sky coverage
    • Temperature and Dew Point
    • Pressure
    • Additional information
      • Recent Weather
      • Condition of Runway
    • Trend
    • Remark
    In this example you can see CAVOK, it mean Ceiling and Visibility are OK. 
    It can be used only if:
    • Visibility is more than 10 Km
    • There aren't Present Weather

    Present Weather Code

    PW CodeEnglish NameItalian Name
    SGSnow grainsNeve granulosa
    ICDiamond dustCristalli di ghiaccio
    PLIce PelletsPioggia gelata (granuli di ghiaccio)
    GSSmall hail and/or Snow GrainsGrandine piccola (meno di 5mm) e/o Granuli di Neve
    VAVolcanic ashCenere vulcanica
    DUWidespead dustPolvere (su un'area estesa)
    POWell-Developed Dust/Sand WhirlsMulinelli di polvere e sabbia
    FCFunnel cloudTornado o tromba marina
    SSSand stormTempesta di sabbia
    DSDust stormTempesta di polvere